Monday, July 7, 2008

White Gold Powder = Rejuvination

White Gold Powder = Rejuvenation

The Age of Aquarius has given us several very powerful gifts. The Laws of Quantum Physics, the Sciences of Radionics, Orgone Technology, the Internet and White Gold Powder.

The use of White Gold Powder for long life, rejuvenation and health goes back past the Age of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

The Laws of Quantum Physics go back to the beginning of time; to the time of Creation. For that is what the Laws of Quantum Physics is all about, Creation. It is just now in the Age of Aquarius that it has been presented to us in a scientific and spiritual language we can understand.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of Thinking, Intelligent Energy called the Quantum Ocean.

It is the Mind of God where all Creation takes place.

In the Quantum Ocean there is no time, no past, present nor future. There is only the Now. There is no Space, no breadth, height or width. There is only the point called HERE.

All Reality, Universes, Solar Systems, Planets, and you and I exist in this infinite point called the HERE-NOW.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. They have always existed. The Laws of Quantum Physics have always existed. White Gold Powder has always existed.

There is a Divine timing plan built into the Quantum Ocean that causes people, places and events to 'blink out' and 'blink in' the Quantum Ocean.

A 'blinking out' is a movement from the not yet manifested intelligent energy of the Quantum Ocean into the manifested Reality of our known Universe.

Both are contained simultaneously with the infinite Dot of the HERE-NOW (Mind of God).

When you and I 'blink out' we start a new incarnation, a new journey, a new adventure. When you and I 'blink in' we separate from the Physical Reality, shed our physical body and re-enter the Quantum Ocean, which we never left in the first place.

The Laws of Quantum Physics 'blink out' and 'blink in' on some divine timing schedule. The 'blink out' for our use at a time when our level of consciousness can accept and understand them.

The concept "Quantum Physics" 'blinked out' again in the early years of the 20Th Century.

The re-discovery of White Gold Powder 'blinked out' again in the 1970's on a ranch in Arizona. David Hudson was the recipient of the formula for the rediscovery of White Gold Powder.

The ancients believed this substance would facilitate extraordinary life-spans, and cure many diseases by allowing the body to operate as close to perfection as possible.

Now it is back thanks to David Hudson and the Quantum Ocean.

Now we can combine the Laws of Quantum Physics with the White Gold Powder and start to resuscitate and heal our physical body as well as raise our levels of Consciousness.

The White Gold Powder of David Hudson is sold in 1oz. dropper bottles. You can look it up on the Net. You can also research it thoroughly by typing in David Hudson and/or White Gold Powder.

You do not have to ingest White Gold Powder to receive it's healing, rejuvenating, spiritual consciousness raising effect.

Simply tightly hold the closed bottle of White Gold Powder in your left hand. Do this while you are relaxed and sitting comfortably. After 5 to 10 minutes you will feel a warmth in your left palm. Also a throbbing that will be in tune with your heartbeat. Your left palm will throb and you will hear the beat in your inner ear. What is happening is that the Powder of the White Gold Powder is not limited to the liquid in the bottle.

The Power of the White Gold Powder exists in the Quantum Ocean and will manifest itself wherever the little bottle of David Hudson's liquid exists.

And the Power of the White Gold Powder is not limited to the confines of the bottle. It radiates from it.

By just holding the bottle in your left hand the healing vibrations of the White Gold Powder will enter it.

The throbbing you will feel, will be the blood pumping out of your heat down your left side, arm and hand. This blood will pick up the healing vibrations of the White Gold Powder and circulate it throughout your body.

This is also one of the gifts of the Age of Aquarius. The Laws of Resonant Frequencies between the energies of the White Gold Powder in the Quantum Ocean and the White Gold Powder in the Bottle. It is the same.

And the Law of Three which tells us that wherever you put two energies together a third energy is formed which is the the "Relationship" between the first two.

Energy One is the White Gold Powder. Energy Two is the Blood flowing through your left hand. Energy Three is the passing on the White Gold Powder into the blood stream.

The Age of Aquarius is going to show us how to heal ourselves. All is energy and it is energy that heals.

I am not a Doctor and I do not make any claims that this method of applying the Energy of White Gold Powder to the energy of your body will cure anything. In this Society still run by the old Age of Pisces only "Doctors" are allowed to heal of cure or so they say.

I use this method and give it out for you to try it or not and make your own conclusions.

I like to include the power of my mind into all my rituals. I intone and breath deeply. This way the intoned words are carried into the lungs with the breath then into the blood stream and finally into every cell of my body. This enhances the energy of the white gold powder.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Who Is Ragnar Storyteller The Quantum Physics Runemaster?

Who Is Ragnar Storyteller?

This is Ragnar Storyteller's About Me page.

Who am I?

I teach and write about runes.

Before you embark on using the Runes for Rune Meditation, Rune Yoga, Rune Study, Rune Magic, or Bind rune Making, make sure that you know something about the person you are taking the instructions from.

Why? Runes are Universal Creative Energies and therefore very, very powerful. They were never meant for divination or writing. They were meant to CREATE.

Each individual Rune is a key to a very powerful energy. Don't play around with them!

Ragnar Storyteller

Ragnar Storyteller is my earned viking name because of all that I have written about Odin and the Vikings.

Ellis Peterson is my other name. I am a Swede. My ancestors are from Upsala. My father and grandfather are both viking beserkers. They would fight at the drop of a hat all the while biting on their tongues. My grandfather lost an arm when he fell off a 3 story roof while tarring it. That did not stop him. He would still go to the bar and when he was drunk pick a fight, even with one arm. I have their blood running through my veins.

They are both in Valhalla now. My grandfather was gassed in France in WWI. My father's ship was torpedoed at the Battle of Midway in WWII. I followed in their footsteps and am a Korean War vet. At 70+ I fight with my mind and the runes. I fight for the Northern European culture that is being threatened by today's politically correct world.

But I see now that we cannot protect our Northern European Heritage by fighting. These are not the times for that. So I am now choosing the Sword of the Mind to battle on for my kindred.

Being a greybeard I see things now a lot clearer that I did when younger. I see that man's purpose on earth is to evolve. To become godlike, so said Nietzsche and others.

First of all, I am 70+, a retired math professor and electrical engineer. I am a radionics and orgone technology scientist and have made my own devices.

I am a Viking Skald and Rune master. I have been studying the runes for 25 years. I belonged to several well known Asatru Groups in Arizona. I ran an Asatru Prison Ministry where I communicated and sent free literature to over 700 viking inmates in jails and prisons. I wrote several books on Odin and Vikings. I have written over 200 articles and essays (many are on my websites.)

I run two successful websites.


What is it I write? I am the first Viking to try and bring the Runes and the gods/goddesses of our ancestors out of the dark ages of Viking raids and into the light of the 21st century.

I use the language and science of Radionics and Quantum Physics to do my rituals and blots.

The Godi's of Arizona don't like this.

I write for the individual Viking who wants to work from home and not join one of their organizations. They do not like this. I say that I have not met a Viking Godi with any power. They do not like this. I say we can no longer go into the woods and do blots and rituals out of outdated ritual books and ask the gods/goddesses to come down and help us. They don't like this.

Why are they, and us at times, so childish to think that we have earned the right for the manifestation of a god or goddess into our lives? They don't like this. Closed minds in any religion are dangerous.

Beside what would we do with the giant red bearded Thor if he were to manifest himself into our lives. He would be out of place just like axe or sword would be out of place on a modern field of battle.

Although we cannot manifest the God Thor into our lives, we can use the Science of Quantum Physics to attract the RUNIC POWERS OF THOR out of the Quantum Ocean and into our lives.

Gods do not do things for us. Thor will not protect us. But by attracting Thor's energy out of the Quantum Ocean and into our lives we can protect ourselves. Same with all the energies of all the gods and goddesses.

I have been to many Asatru blots in the woods. I have never met a Godi who had any power to manifest a god/goddess of the North into our circle. Why? Because they do not have the runes inside of them. No power!

The runes are the key to the gods/goddesses. Each Rune is a key to a powerful energy and is associated with a god/goddess. So when you learn how to get the runic energies inside of you. You will not become Thor, but you will be Thor-like. You will have his energies and power.

I have never seen another viking site on the net that talks about bringing the runes and gods/goddesses into the 21st century. I told the Godi's and self appointed leaders of the various Asatru groups what I thought and they marked me outlaw.

So be it!

I told you that I never met a Godi (viking shaman) with power. But I have met Native American shamans with power. I spent a whole summer with a Cherokee Medicine Man, Willie Whitefeather, in the Arizona desert. He had power and I saw many of his manifestations.

He told me that real magic must be done alone and with proper preparation. Sweat lodges, vision quests and getting the spirit of what you wanted to do inside of you first.

He took me to Four Corners, Arizona and introduced me to the Grandfather, the 112 year old Hopi Shaman.

Talk about power. I was allowed to enter the sacred caves where the 3000 year old pictographs on the walls foretold of the arrival of Columbus and his three ships.

Why me? Willie said he could see my spirit and it was wise, powerful and true.

He named me Curious Bear because of the constant stream of questions I asked him and the Grandfather.

I wanted to KNOW!

Because of my intrusion, I was chased down the Arizona Highway by Apache Warrior Spirits. You can read about it on one of my pages listed below.

Willie said that the whole massacre at Wounded Knee was all about power. The Native Americans were about to manifest the spirits of their great dead warriors to help them in their fight. The government knew all about their magic and power rituals so they slaughtered them all.

We have power and the power lies in our RUNES, not in outdated rituals.

I spent the last five years doing rune meditations, rune yoga, rune magic, rune rituals etc so that I could get the runic energies out of the quantum ocean , where ALL energy exists, and into my aura. Now I carry them around with me and use them when I need them.

I have written about these new methods in the 200 pages on this websites. They are different. They use the Laws of Quantum Physics, Radionics and the secrets of MENTAL MIND MAGIC, which is thousands of years old. All shamans, magicians, voodoo priests etc know about them.

There have always been enlightened men and women. They all say one thing in common using different words. There is a great medium of mind and intelligence that knows and does everything. This thinking intelligence will create whatever the mind of man thinks into it. This infinite thinking stuff is what is now called the Quantum Ocean.

The Runes are in this Quantum Ocean. Therefore the Runes and the Laws of Quantum Physics offer us the greatest challenge and the greatest hope for our children and grand children through peace. love, cooperation and creativity.

Not with the 1000 year old axe and sword, hate, war and prejudice.

We discovered the Runes, Quantum Physics and Radionics. Let's use them. LET US OUT THINK THEM. Our Northern European minds are our greatest weapon.

I know that this site and the information on it is not for everyone. But I say this: if we do not update our magic and rituals so that they are in tune with the 21st century, then Asatru will go the way of all the other religions who will not change. It will die as they are dying. You can see it all around you.



Even Willie Whitefeather is helping his people incorporate change. What do you think the Casinos are?

We discovered the sciences of Quantum Physics and Radionics. They are now our weapons of defense.

I hope you enjoy what I write and have the patience to practice with the runes. If you do then you can change your life for the better and strengthen the ancestral soul of our peoples.

Let us use the Runes and our Minds and fulfill our destiny of becoming more Godlike

Thank you

Ragnar Storyteller

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at: